Monday, April 14, 2008

So much to say, so little time! So who am I?

So much to say, so little time! So who am I? I am someones everything. I am me, I own that for sure, I am someones mother, sister, daughter and employee. That alone, coupled with the mother part, keeps me sexy and single. It is a juggling act all the time, but woven in this cloth is my committment to and for myself. At this point in my life, it's time to develop friendships of the male persuasion to share special times with, common interests, and even not so common interests. I will warn you, I am a bit sports challenged. Walking, tricycle (I am working towards the 3 speed bike,) lounging in a pool while soaking up my surroundings, movies, beach walks, a baseball game, spending time with close friends are favourite pass times. I love to read, and have a fetish for only a few TV shows, but my VCR handles those quite nicely for me. In our busy lives, we often neglect ourselves. It's important to weave a balance for as the old saying goes, life is too short. If you are interesting in chatting, send me an email.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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